Helping Contractors Maximize Profits and Time

We're the accounting firm that goes beyond just bookkeeping and taxes - we have the systems and strategies to make your business more profitable, more efficient, and more valuable.

Construction Is Hard Work, We Help Make Sure It's Worth It

Unfortunately, hard work alone may not be enough to achieve your dreams today - but with the right systems, data and strategies, those dreams can become reality faster than you think.






Why Contractors Throughout America Trust Us...

There's a lot of money in construction! Like... A LOT of money.

But if you've spent any time in the business, you probably already know this.

I remember when I first started helping a family friend (let's call him Tom) around his jobsites when I was just a teenager.

The work was satisfying enough.

But what really excited me was the big checks Tom would pick up from his customers every few days.

At that time, the thought of making $5,000 - or even $10,000 - for a weeks-worth of work sounded like an absolute dream.

So you can imagine that I was pretty disappointed when Tom decided to wrap up his operation and go work as a delivery driver for a major shipping company instead.

Only later would I learn the truth: he brought home more money with his modest delivery job salary than he ever did with his six-figure construction business!

Apparently, if you own a business, you actually have to pay for labor and materials.

And that's how I was introduced to the concept of profit.

But that wasn't the only price Tom had paid:

➡️Time away from family

➡️Late nights writing estimates

➡️Interrupted family vacations

I don't think anyone would disagree that life is made up of seasons and some seasons require us to make calculated sacrifices in order to build our dream life.

But those sacrifices are only worth it if they pay-off in the end.

In Tom's case, the business that should have helped him achieve all of his personal, professional, and financial goals actually ended up becoming a hamster wheel that took precious time and resources away from his family and his dreams.

Unfortunately, Tom is not an exception...

A few years later, I met another contractor who grew his business to $3.2m in annual revenue in less than 5 years, but he also made less than $200k in profit the entire time (that's less than $40k/year in personal income!!).

And to make matters worse, that business ended up collapsing under a mountain of debt shortly thereafter because the profits couldn't sustain it.

That was heartbreaking...

When someone sacrifices so much and yet walks away with so little to show for their effort... it's discouraging.

And that's what set me on this journey.

In the years since those initial experiences, I've committed my time to learning the strategies and tactics that separate hyper-profitable contractors who can afford to be generous with their resources and time from those that are just doing ok or even struggling to stay afloat.

And in all my experiences working with 7, 8 and 9 figure businesses and entrepreneurs, I've identified and engineered a comprehensive profit-scaling framework that mirrors the 3 critical components of every hyper-profitable business:

  • Optimizing and increasing the right type of revenue

  • Creating cost-effective and time-efficient systems

  • Strategically allocating capital to increase business value and self-sufficiency

Now, you may ask how we go about doing this?

My process is actually quite simple: Know Your Numbers, Define Your Targets, and Execute Your Strategy.

The reality is that most contractors are just a few critical steps away from their most profitable year ever.

And most contractors even know roughly what needs to be done.

The hard part is knowing how and when those things need to be done to achieve the desired result.

You've probably been pitched by countless ads and consultants on the latest marketing hacks or business strategies that promise big and fast results.

But at Profit Forge Solutions, as an accounting firm at heart, we start with the story your numbers tell us.

Then we use those numbers to engineer a customized profit-scaling strategy so you can achieve those goals you had going into your business (new truck, dream home, worry-free travel, etc.) while still growing a sustainable business.

And then, we give you the systems, processes and support you need to scale while reclaiming your time so you can focus on the things that matter most - faith, family and purpose.

And we do all this while still keeping your books in check so you don't have to worry about scrambling once tax season comes around.

We do all of this for you because contractors work hard. Like... really hard (trust me, I've worked construction before).

And running a business can be overwhelming at times as it is.

But the reality is, in today's economic environment, contractors and their families can't afford to just be making '"ok" profits in their business!

That's not what they sacrificed so much for.

I think I'll wrap that up here, but if that sounds interesting, click any of the buttons on this page and book your free strategy session with me personally (yes, I still take every strategy call personally).

I'll talk to you soon!


David Lucrum

Founder and CEO

Profit Forge Solutions LLC


David Kuz

Founder and CEO

Profit Forge Solutions LLC


Here's How We Transform Businesses

Profitability Audits

If you want to see more money flowing through to your bottom line, the answer it usually some combination of strategies that give you more revenue, less expenses, and less headache. We do the heavy lifting to help you find and implement that perfect combination. And it starts with a deep-dive into your current financials, processes and systems.

Recession Planning

Anyone can build a profitable company when times are good. But it's the recessions and downturns that identify the contractors who build life-changing companies and generational wealth. The good news? Creating strategies to help you take full advantage of the bad times is our specialty.


The #1 problem we see with contractors that fail is that they don't take their bookkeeping seriously. They usually hand it off to a 3rd party that has no interest in whether they succeed or not. At this firm, our success is directly tied to our clients' success. And it all starts with good bookkeeping.

Business Exit Engineering

A good business makes a good profit. A great business puts life-changing money in your pocket when you sell it. But this requires scalable revenues, reliable systems and time-saving automations. Our goal is to make every business we work with sale-ready so you can walk away wealthy when you choose to.

KPI Integration

A good doctor knows which vitals to check and when to check them in order to diagnose and treat their patient. Similarly, a good business owner knows what key performance indicators (KPIs) they need to track inside their business in order to achieve their targets. We not only help our clients identify and develop the right KPIs, but we also track them for you so you can always have a finger on the pulse of your business (pun intended).

Fractional CFO Services

If you run a growing, profitable business, eventually, it becomes very difficult to juggle all of the data you need to make critical do-or-die decisions day in and day out. And usually, a CFO would take this off your hands and help guide you through that flood of data, but CFOs are EXPENSIVE.... That's why our fractional CFO service makes the skill-sets and abilities of a professional, dedicated CFO available to you at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CFO.

Our Famous Guarantee!

We don't believe in confusing lawyer jargon on tricky contract clauses, so here's the bottom line:

We don't take on every client. But, when we do accept you as a client, that means we're excited to have you on board, and we want every client to be just as excited as we are.

If you find yourself dissatisfied with our services at any point in the first 90 days, we'll give you a complete 100% refund on any fees or retainers you paid us and we'll part as friends.

Email: profitforgesolutions@gmail.com

Instagram: @profit.forge

YouTube: @profitforge

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